#pragma section-numbers off [[TableOfContents]] = 概要 = = 公式サイト = = 関連サイト = = インストール = = 設定 = [http://casual-notes.blogspot.com/2007/03/returning-to-etags.html One Day You're Hero, Next Day You're Clown: Back To Etags] [http://casual-notes.blogspot.com/2007/03/using-exuberant-ctags-with-emacs-and.html One Day You're Hero, Next Day You're Clown: Using Exuberant Ctags with Emacs And Objective-C] [http://nakkaya.com/2009/12/13/getting-etags-to-index-clojure-files/ Getting etags to Index Clojure Files] = 利用方法 = {{{ #!/bin/sh s="\t " S="[$s]*" w="_a-zA-Z0-9" CN="[A-Z][$w]*" NM="[$w][$w]*" find /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS3.1.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks -name "*.h" | xargs etags -a --declarations -r "/$S[-+]$S(\($S$NM\)\{1,3\}$S\**$S)?$S\($NM\)$S[:;]/\2/" -f frm.tags sed "/^@class/d" frm.tags > objc.TAGS }}} = 参考サイト = ---- CategoryEmacs