#pragma section-numbers off [[TableOfContents]] = 概要 = = 公式サイト = = プラグイン = * [http://pypi.python.org/pypi/mr.developer mr.developer] = インストール = = 設定 = = 利用方法 = = 環境構築 = * [http://www.lorenzogil.com/blog/2010/10/29/python-deployment-tips/ Python deployment tips « Memory Dump] = デプロイ = * https://github.com/kenn/sunzi * [http://www.ianlewis.org/jp/pypi-no-network PYPI を使わないでデプロイする方法 - Ian Lewis] * [https://github.com/saltstack/salt saltstack/salt · GitHub] * [http://d.hatena.ne.jp/heavenshell/20120317/1331999630 Sunzi で sudo を使えるようにするラッパーを作った - Heavens hell] * [http://tav.espians.com/fabric-python-with-cleaner-api-and-parallel-deployment-support.html Tav's Blog » Fabric Python with Cleaner API and Parallel Deployment] = 参考サイト = * https://bitbucket.org/IanLewis/gunicorn-test * [http://www.marmelune.net/en/python/buildout/tidy-buildout-directories/ Tidy up your buildout directory structure - marmelune] * [http://yergler.net/blog/2010/03/28/using-pip-with-buildout/ Using pip with buildout – yergler.net] * [http://cburgmer.posterous.com/pip-requirementstxt-and-setuppy PIP requirements.txt and setup.py - cburgmer's posterous] ---- CategoryPython