[http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki MediaWiki - MediaWiki] [http://fswiki.poi.jp/wiki.cgi FrontPage - FreeStyleWiki] [http://pukiwiki.sourceforge.jp/ FrontPage - PukiWiki-official] [http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ MoinMoinWiki - MoinMoin] [http://paddle.bspace.info/index.pl/ Perl製Wiki Engine(Wikiエンジン) Wiki Clone(Wikiクローン) PADDLEのページ : トップページ] [http://digit.que.ne.jp/work/index.cgi?WalWiki WalWiki - Walrus, Digit.] [http://wiki.splitbrain.org/ start DokuWiki] [http://www.higuchi.com/dokuwiki/dokuwiki:localize DokuWikiの日本語対応 [DokuWiki@higuchi.com]] ---- The [wiki:Wiki:FrontPage first ever wiki site] was founded in 1994 as an automated supplement to the Wiki:PortlandPatternRepository. The site was immediately popular within the pattern community, largely due to the newness of the internet and a good slate of Wiki:InvitedAuthors. The site was, and remains, dedicated to Wiki:PeopleProjectsAndPatterns. Wiki:WardCunnigham created the site and the WikiWikiWeb machinery that operates it. He chose wiki-wiki as an alliterative substitute for quick and thereby avoided naming this stuff quick-web. An early page, Wiki:WikiWikiHyperCard, traces wiki ideas back to a Wiki:HyperCard stack he wrote in the late 80's. See also one of these links: * http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki or wiki:Wiki/FrontPage * get some answers on the Wiki:WikiWikiWebFaq * get to know more about the Wiki:WikiHistory * [http://news.mpr.org/programs/futuretense/daily_rafiles/20011220.ram Ward Cunningham Radio Interview]