#pragma section-numbers off Win用Emacs 以下は.emacsの内容。 ほとんど使用しないため設定はかなり古くていいかげんです。 {{{ ;Last Update: <2002/01/11 (Fri) 16:18:20 sakito@s2.xrea.com> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; 日本語の設定 ;;; (cd "d:/") (set-language-environment "Japanese") ;(require 'un-define) ;(require 'un-tools) ;(set-keyboard-coding-system 'sjis) ;(set-terminal-coding-system 'sjis) ;(setq file-name-coding-system 'sjis) ;(setq-default buffer-file-coding-system 'ISO-2022-JP) ;(set-clipboard-coding-system 'sjis-dos) ;(set-w32-system-coding-system 'sjis) ;((setq network-coding-system-alist ; '(("nntp" . (junet-unix . junet-unix)) ; (110 . (no-conversion . no-conversion)) ; (25 . (no-conversion . no-conversion)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; 環境設定 ;;; ;;Shell設定 (setq shell-file-name "c:/cygwin/bin/bash.exe") (setenv "SHELL" shell-file-name) (setq explicit-shell-file-name shell-file-name) ;(setq explicit-sh-args '("-login" "-i")) (setq explicit-bash-args '("-login" "-i")) (setq shell-command-switch "-c") (setq win32-quote-process-args t) ;;coding system setting (add-hook 'shell-mode-hook (lambda () (set-buffer-process-coding-system 'undecided-dos 'sjis-unix))) ;;M delete (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'shell-strip-ctrl-m nil t) ;;Highlighting on. modefied 言語色設定 (require 'font-lock) (global-font-lock-mode t) ;; hilit19 (require 'hilit19) ;;動的略語展開で大文字小文字を区別 (setq debbrev-case-fold-search nil) ;;バックアップファイルの保存位置指定 (setq backup-by-copying t) (fset 'make-backup-file-name '(lambda (file) (concat (expand-file-name "d:/tmp/") (file-name-nondirectory file)))) ;;印刷設定 (define-process-argument-editing "/notepad¥¥.exe$" (lambda (x) (general-process-argument-editing-function x nil t))) (setq print-region-function '(lambda (start end &rest dummyargs) (let ((tmpfile (unix-to-dos-filename (concat (or (getenv "TMP") (getenv "TEMP")) "/" (make-temp-name "L") ".tmp")))) (if (file-exists-p tmpfile) (signal 'file-error '("The temporary file that I try to create has been exists!") )) (write-region start end tmpfile nil nil 'sjis-dos) (call-process "notepad" nil nil nil "/p" tmpfile) (delete-file tmpfile)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; 画面設定 ;;; ;;フレーム設定 (setq default-frame-alist (append (list '(foreground-color . "black") '(background-color . "light goldenrod yellow") '(BORDER-color . "white") '(cursor-color . "orange") '(width . 80) '(height . 40) '(top . 80) '(left . 120) '(vertical-scroll-bars .nil) '(font . "sakito-fontset") ) default-frame-alist)) ;;mode line color (set-face-foreground 'modeline "snow") (set-face-background 'modeline "black") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; 編集設定 ;;; ;;フォント (defvar bdf-font-directory "d:/home/bdf/") (defvar bdf-font-name-prefix "bdffont16-") ;; 日本語表示の場合 (setq bdf-font-file-alist '((ascii "8x16.bdf" 0) (latin-iso8859-1 "non-cjk/etl16-latin1.bdf" 1) (latin-iso8859-2 "non-cjk/etl16-latin2.bdf" 1) (latin-iso8859-3 "non-cjk/etl16-latin3.bdf" 1) (latin-iso8859-4 "non-cjk/etl16-latin4.bdf" 1) (japanese-jisx0212 "jpn/mincho16.bdf" 0) (japanese-jisx0208 "jpn/jiskan16.bdf" 0) (latin-jisx0201 "jpn/8x16rk.bdf" 0) (katakana-jisx0201 "jpn/8x16rk.bdf" 1) )) (new-fontset "sakito-fontset" (mapcar (lambda (x) (let* ((charset (car x)) (filename (expand-file-name (nth 1 x) bdf-font-directory)) (encoding (nth 2 x)) (fontname (concat bdf-font-name-prefix (symbol-name charset)))) (w32-add-font fontname (cons (cons 'encoding-type encoding) '((default-ascent . 0) (relative-compose . 0) (overhang . 0) (base . 14) (height . 16) (width . 8)))) (w32-change-font-logfont fontname 0 (list 'bdf-font filename)) (cons charset fontname))) bdf-font-file-alist)) ;; Bold (w32-change-font-logfont (concat bdf-font-name-prefix "ascii") 1 (list 'bdf-font (concat bdf-font-directory "non-cjk/etl16b-latin1.bdf"))) ;; italic (w32-change-font-logfont (concat bdf-font-name-prefix "ascii") 2 (list 'bdf-font (concat bdf-font-directory "non-cjk/etl16i-latin1.bdf"))) ;; Bold itaric (w32-change-font-logfont (concat bdf-font-name-prefix "ascii") 3 (list 'bdf-font (concat bdf-font-directory "non-cjk/etl16i-latin1.bdf"))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;好みの設定 ;;; ;;Shift カーソルでリージョン選択 (pc-selection-mode) ;; 1行づつスクロールする (setq scroll-conservatively 1) ;;現在のモードを表示 (show-paren-mode t) ;;TAB幅 (setq-default tab-width 4) ;;新規行を作成しない (setq next-line-add-newlines nil) ;;カーソル行数を表示 (line-number-mode t) (column-number-mode t) ;;カーソル位置記憶 (require 'saveplace) (setq-default save-place t) (setq save-place-file "d:/etc/places.txt") ;;起動時のmessageを表示しない (setq inhibit-startup-message t) ;; C-x C-b でバッファリストを開く時に、ウィンドウを分割しない (global-set-key "¥C-x¥C-b" 'buffer-menu) ;;cygwin-mount.el (require 'cygwin32-mount) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; アプリケーションの設定 ;;; (if (not (memq 'time-stamp write-file-hooks)) (setq write-file-hooks (cons 'time-stamp write-file-hooks))) ;skk (require 'skk-autoloads) (global-set-key "¥C-x¥C-j" 'skk-mode) (global-set-key "¥C-xj" 'skk-auto-fill-mode) (global-set-key "¥C-xt" 'skk-tutorial) (setq skk-large-jisyo "d:/etc/SKK-JISYO.L") (setq skk-number-style 0) (setq date-ad 1) ;;epo (autoload 'epo "epo" "Editing Process Organizer" t) ;;epoan (require 'epoan) ;;psgml ;(autoload 'sgml-mode "psgml" "Major mode to edit SGML files " t) ;(autoload 'xml-mode "psgml" "Major mode to edit XML files" t) ;(setq auto-mode-alist ; (append (list (cons "¥¥.xml¥¥'" 'xml-mode)) ; auto-mode-alist)) ;(autoload 'xml-mode "psgml" nil t) ;w3 ;(require 'w3-auto) ;(setenv "MAILCAPS" "~/.mailcap") ;(setq w3-default-homepage "http://web1.ibjsystems.co.jp/") ;(setq url-personal-mail-adress "no@foo.spam.org") ;(setq url-automatic-caching t) ;(setq url-standalone-mode t) ;(setq url-be-asynchronous t) ;;;; YaTeX & yahtml (野鳥) ;; yatex-modeを起動させる設定 (setq auto-mode-alist (cons (cons "¥¥.tex$" 'yatex-mode) auto-mode-alist)) (autoload 'yatex-mode "yatex" "Yet Another LaTeX mode" t) ;; yahtml-modeを使う人は以下も加える (setq auto-mode-alist (cons (cons "¥¥.html$" 'yahtml-mode) auto-mode-alist)) (autoload 'yahtml-mode "yahtml" "Yet Another HTML mode" t) ;; 1 = Shift JIS, 2 = JIS, 3 = EUC ;; defaultはそれぞれ2 (setq YaTeX-kanji-code 3) ; euc3 (setq yahtml-kanji-code 1) ; jis (add-hook 'yahtml-mode-hook '(lambda () ;; “更新日”の自動更新 (set (make-local-variable 'time-stamp-start) "更新日:[ ¥t]+¥"") (set (make-local-variable 'time-stamp-format) "%:y/%02m/%02d %02H:%02M:%02S") (set (make-local-variable 'time-stamp-line-limit) 30) ;; auto time-stamp (add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) (auto-fill-mode))) ; (make-local-variable 'time-stamp-start) ; (setq time-stamp-start "更新日:[ ¥t]+¥¥¥¥?[¥"<]+") ; (setq time-stamp-start "Last Update:[ ¥t]+¥¥¥¥?[¥"<]+") ; (make-local-variable 'time-stamp-format) ; (setq time-stamp-format ; '(time-stamp-yyyy/mm/dd time-stamp-hh:mm:ss)) ; (add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) ; )) ;;SmartDoc mode setting (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("¥¥.sdoc$" .sdoc-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) (setq sgml-quick-keys t) (autoload 'sdoc-mode "sdoc-mode" nil t) (add-hook 'sdoc-mode-hook '(lambda () ;; “”の自動更新 (set (make-local-variable 'time-stamp-start) "") (set (make-local-variable 'time-stamp-end) "") (set (make-local-variable 'time-stamp-format) "%04Y/%02m/%02d (%3a) %02H:%02M:%02S sakito@s2.xrea.com") (set (make-local-variable 'time-stamp-line-limit) 30) ;; auto time-stamp (add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) (auto-fill-mode))) ;;Python mode setting (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("¥¥.py$" .python-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) (autoload 'python-mode "python-mode" nil t) ;; pcl-cvsの設定 ;; 起動はM-x cvs-examine ;(load-file "d:/bin/Meadow/1.14/site-lisp/pcl-cvs/pcl-cvs-startup.el") (add-hook 'cvs-mode-hook (lambda () (collection-set-goal-column cvs-buffer-name 38))) ;; log はどのコードで書くか決めて、固定にしておかないと危険です ;; (euc-japan でも sjis でも良いんけど) (modify-coding-system-alist 'process "cvs" '(undecided . euc-japan)) ;; pserver ではなく local repository を使うための設定。詳細は、 ;; meadow-users-jp メーリングリストの ;; Subject: about pcl-cvs X-ML-COUNT: 1870 ;; Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 01:45:18 +0900 で始まる thread を参照のこと。 ;; (if (featurep 'meadow) (define-process-argument-editing "/cvs¥¥.exe¥¥'" (lambda (x) (let ((command (car x)) (argument (cdr x))) (setq argument (cygnus-process-argument-quoting argument)) (concat (unix-to-dos-filename command) " " (unix-to-dos-argument (mapconcat (function concat) argument " ") nil nil nil nil)))))) ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; time-stamp.el (2000/11/20) ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; 最終更新日の%04Y/%02m/%02d (%3a) %02H:%02M:%02S sakito@s2.xrea.com自 動挿入 ;;; ファイルの先頭から 8 行以内にlast updated : last updated : <> ;;; と書いてあれば、セーブ時に自動的に日付が挿入されます ;(require 'time-stamp) ;(add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) ;(setq time-stamp-active t) ;(setq time-stamp-format "%04Y/%02m/%02d (%3a) %02H:%02M:%02S sakito@s2.xrea.com") ;(setq time-stamp-start "Last Update:[ ¥t]+¥¥¥¥?[¥"<]+") ;(setq time-stamp-format '(time-stamp-month-dd-yyyy time-stamp-hh:mm:ss)) ;(setq time-stamp-format "%04y/%02m/%02d") ;; (setq time-stamp-line-limit 10000) と書いておくと、1万行以内で OK ;(setq time-stamp-end " ¥¥|$") (defun time-stamp-date () "Return the current time as a string in ¥"¥(Date¥)¥" form." ; (format-time-string "[%04Y/%02m/%02d] %02H:%02M:%02S")) (format-time-string "%04Y/%02m/%02d [%02H:%02M:%02S]")) (defun insert-date nil "Insert Date." (interactive) (insert (time-stamp-date))) ;; キーバインド変更 (define-key global-map "¥C-c¥C-i" 'insert-date) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; auto-insert ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- (require 'autoinsert) ; [test]:2000/11/28 (add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'auto-insert) ;; pcl-cvsが作るテンポラリファイルのバッファでは(auto-insert)しない (defadvice auto-insert (around deactivate-autoinsert-for-cvs-temp-buffer first activate) "Deactivate autoinsert feature for pcl-cvs work buffer." (or (string-match "pcl-cvs¥.[0-9a-zA-Z]+¥¥'" (buffer-file-name)) (string-match "Mail/draft" (buffer-file-name)) ; (string-match "¥¥+draft/[0-9]+" (buffer-name)) ad-do-it) nil) ;; テンプレートとなるファイルがあるディレクトリ ;; 末尾に"/"が必要なので注意 (setq auto-insert-directory "~/autoinsert/") ;; 質問しないで auto-insertを実行する (setq auto-insert-query nil) ;; 下請け関数 ;; 簡単な置換を実行した後 ;; "EDIT_HERE"まで進んで"EDIT_HERE"自体は削除する ;; buffer-modified-p は、変数 auto-insertを見て ;; 仕様に従って設定される ;; 98.5.28 (Thu) (defun auto-insert-expand-abbrev-and-set-point (template-file) "Advance to edit point after auto-insert" (insert-file-contents (concat auto-insert-directory template-file)) ; (let ((replace-alist '( ; ("" . (format-time-string "%04Y/%02m/%02d (%3a)")) ; ("" . (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))) ; ("" . "secret") ; ("" . (concat "Time-stamp: <" (time-stamp-string) ">");) ; ("" . user-mail-address))) ) ; (case-replace nil) ; pat sexp) ;; 定型の置換 ; (while replace-alist ; (setq pat (car (car replace-alist)) ; evaled (eval (cdr (car replace-alist)))) ; (goto-char (point-min)) ; (while (re-search-forward pat nil t) ; (replace-match evaled 'fixedcase 'literal)) ; (setq replace-alist (cdr replace-alist)))) ;; 編集位置まで進む ; (goto-char (point-min)) ; (and (search-forward "" nil t) ; (replace-match "")) ; (set-buffer-modified-p (eq auto-insert t))) (setq auto-insert-alist (append '( ;;========================================[2001/05/12] ;; yahtml-mode ((yahtml-mode . "yahtml document") . (lambda nil (auto-insert-expand-abbrev-and-set-point "html-insert.html"))) ;;========================================2002/01/11 [09:31:43] ;; sdoc-mode ((sdoc-mode . "SmartDoc document") . (lambda nil (auto-insert-expand-abbrev-and-set-point "sdoc-insert.sdoc"))) ;;code (provide '" (file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))) ") ;;; " (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " ends here") ) auto-insert-alist)) ;(cd "~/") }}} 背景が暗い場合に以下を設定 {{{ ;; background が暗いときに設定 (setq frame-background-mode 'dark) ;; 起動時のframeに有効とする (frame-update-face-colors (selected-frame)) }}} ---- CategoryEmacs CategoryLink