#pragma section-numbers off Javaにかんするカテゴリです JavaLanguage = 研究中 = SpringFramework [http://www.seasar.org/index.html Seasar - DI Container with AOP -] [http://www.canoo.com/ulc/ Rich Thin Client GUI Component Library: Canoo UltraLightClient (ULC) - Rich Web Apps] http://incubator.apache.org/projects/geronimo.html http://kandata.sourceforge.jp/ https://sourceforge.jp/projects/kandata [http://www5.airnet.ne.jp/sakuraba/java/laboratory/J2SE1.5/contents.html J2SE 5.0 虎の穴 Java2 SE v5.0 Tiger の新機能] [http://click.sourceforge.net/ Click Documentation] = Java基礎知識 = *["J2EE"] *["EJB"] * JavaVirtualMachine http://www.netgene.co.jp/java/technicalTerms.html = 実行環境 = *["Tomcat"] *["JBoss"] = 開発環境 = *["Eclipse"] *["JDEE"] = 開発ツール = *["JUnit"] *["Log4J"] *["JFreeChart"] *["Scarab"] *["Checkstyle"] *["XDoclet"] *["Cactus"] *CommonsLogging *BeanShell *["JXPath"] *["Jelly"] = O/Rマッピング = *["Cayenne"] = ビルドツール = *["Ant"] *["Maven"] [http://www.urbancode.com/projects/anthill/default.jsp Anthill Build Management Server - Build and Release Management Tool] = フレームワーク = *["Struts"] *["OC4J"] *["Java3D"] *["Cocoon"] *["Velocity"] = CMS = *JetSpeed *KvasirSora [http://incubator.apache.org/graffito/ The Graffito Site - Welcome to Graffito] = 設計ツール = *["IIOSS"] = ドキュメントツール = *["Forrest"] *["Anakia"] *SmartDoc *["Java2UML"]JavaソースよりClass図他を生成するツール類 *["TexiDoclet"] = XML = *["JavaXML"] = GUI = *["SWT"] = 簡易メモ = *JavaBooks : Java参考書籍。重要書籍 *JavaCalender *["XPlanner"] * JavaServerFaces ---- ###FullSearch()